Angela George


Senior Lawyer | +61 2 9199 1363 |

Angela is a senior lawyer of over 12 years’ experience who completed her BSc and LLB, and was admitted as a solicitor, in 2009. Early in her legal studies, she was identified by Peter and Brian as a talented prospect and asked to join Peter and Brian in the financial services group at Ebsworth & Ebsworth. She has worked with the team since late 2005.

In her time with the team, Angela has been responsible for a wide range of matters. She has conducted numerous share and business acquisitions and sales for large general insurers, financial planning groups and other financial services entities, where she has been responsible for drafting and negotiating documents such as share sale and business sale agreements, shareholder agreements and loan and security documents and undertaking due diligence enquiries.  She has also worked on a range of corporate restructuring matters (including schemes of arrangement for insurers), litigation matters (including contractual disputes and insurance claims matters), initial public offering, corporate regulatory matters, commercial leasing matters and intellectual property matters.

Angela is an example of mackenzie thomas' approach of identifying the best people and introducing them as early as possible to quality work in the financial services industry for the benefit of our clients.

Angela is now a very senior lawyer on whom our clients rely for insightful and pragmatic advice.